Spirit Warriors

These Readings are fresh thoughts on old Scriptures and span my written journey from 1974 to this month, this year. They are not in chronological order or by topic. As you seek the Lord to speak to you, He will answer with deeper understanding to cause you to grow spiritually, for it is by the questioning human spirit rising to the seat of the Holy One and back again, that revelation comes to us. Warriors are not always at war but take time to listen to General officers at peace. These are mine to share.

Upcoming Third Book in Spirit Warrior Series – Revelation Warriors – The Code of Sevens

“He who testifies to these things says,‘Surely I am coming quickly’. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” Rev. 22:20 As I sat before a blazing fire at the end of a chilly winter in the Appalachians contemplating the first verses of The Revelation of Christ, I clearly...

Welcome to Boot Camp #1

Welcome. We are so pleased you have stopped by to get some encouragement, challenges, new insights, and a laugh, too. This Reading is from Boot Camp #1  in the new book for 2022, “The GUIDE - Becoming A Spirit Warrior & Warrior Intercessor, available for purchase...

Eight Instructions for End Times Warriors

It is an early misty morning in our  home in Orlando, Florida and Nathan Hale, my brindled Basenji is curled in the chair beside me. I have a fresh cup of creamed coffee and admire the sun’s rays reflecting off the neighbor’s many-armed oak. The crepe myrtles are in...