Spirit Warriors


Dr. Laurel Massey, the author of the Spirit Warriors Book Series, has 40 years in the field of exorcism to see if you can become a Spirit Warrior in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. There is a critical need for born-again believers to become practical with Jesus’ Great Commission:


 Jesus said: “Go into ALL the world and Preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe shall be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: IN MY NAME they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; an d if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:15-18

We are in the last gasps of the Church era with Tribulation upon us at the edge of time. Are you ready to get out of the pew and into the battles you were saved for, equipped for, and destined to complete? Now is that time!

An accomplished author, Laurel T. Massey, PhD served as a medical missionary in Colombia almost a decade and began her radio broadcasting and journalism career there. She covered the UN Year of the Woman in Beijing, China and reported the war in Bosnia-Croatia on the ground. She has taught these principles to leadership in Washington DC, The Netherlands, Israel, Norway, China, Colombia, Bolivia, Kenya, Uganda, Haiti, and Jamaica.

With her U.S. Army Ex-Ranger husband Kurt, they broadcast “Bible Voices for Today” in the USA, Israel, Kenya, and Gambia, while leading a local ekklesia in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains of north Georgia as homesteaders.

Massey continues her writing with the upcoming books in the Spirit Warriors Book series such as: Revelation Warriors – The Code of Sevens; Kingdom Warriors – Fighting Hard and Finishing Well, and Daily Intel for Warriors. Some of her books have been translated into Spanish. Check out the Resources page.


Chaplain Kurt & Laurel are available for speaking events and for training leadership to set up teams for evangelism, altar ministry and deliverance. 

“Spirit Warriors – Exorcism for the Ekklesia” is the textbook. “The GUIDE – Becoming a Spirit Warrior & Intercessor” is an 8-week small group workbook for these courses. Both are available in Resources.

The Massey’s use a wide range of training subjects for activating your service in Christ’s kingdom. Our podcasts on this site will introduce us to you, so do contact us.

We are willing to travel to your location as the Holy Spirit permits. Please contact us through this website’s Contact Us page, leaving your phone and email information.

Spotify.com also carries our podcasts.

Character comes before equipping; Obedience to His voice will hold the heavy anointing;
Gifts are the supernatural flashes from the Holy One to convince death-encrusted pagans that Jesus Christ—the Redeemer [when they believe in Him], is their sole way out of death’s capture into the health of Liberty and Light.

—Spirit Warriors can help get them get there.